
Water filters without UV

Here you will find filters with which you can purify your water in a simple way. On this page you will find standard compositions that are common and common to purify most water. You can also, based on your water (and needs), order additional filters separately (see the ''filters and accessories'' page for the filters and an explanation of which filters are available and what function they have). For example, you can very well use a Manganese filter for brown and water with a metallic taste. The filters on this page are very suitable for further purifying tap water according to your needs, but can also be used for other water (such as rainwater), but it is not recommended to drink this, because the bacteria and viruses are cleaned with UV technology (our other category with water purification systems).

In short, here you will find filters that are mainly functional for further purifying tap water, if it contains too much of a certain substance or property (hard water, brown, bad taste, etc.). As mentioned, these are standard, common compositions, but you can also order additional filters based on your water (information about which filters have which function can be found under ''filters and accessories'').

Product 1 to 6 (of 6 products) Result:1
Product 1 to 6 (of 6 products) Result:1

If you have any questions about what is the best composition for you or whether you would be better off choosing UV technology, please feel free to contact us (info@waterpurification-athome.com / +31618729994).